Change Your Kerberos Password

IS&T Home > Certificate Server/Change Your Password


Remember to change your Kerberos password at regular intervals, following guidelines for choosing a password. You can change your Kerberos password using your current password, your MIT certificate, or your push-capable Duo-enrolled device.

Change your Kerberos password, using your current password

Use the form below to change your Kerberos password. The password change takes effect immediately.

Kerberos Username:


Old Password:


New Password:

  • 8 or more characters
  • 2 or more character classes
  • not based on username
  • not old password

New Password (again):



  • matches new password

Change your Kerberos password without your current password, MIT Certificate, or push-capable device

If you cannot reset your password using the self-service options, MIT certificate, or Duo Push, please review this knowledge base article to request a password reset from the Service Desk; instructions for Lincoln Lab employees are included.